From Excuses to Walking, Here is My Secret!

I was full of excuses.

Are you the type of person who dreams of taking a stroll through the park, but can always come up with an excuse not to? Maybe it’s too hot, too cold, too early, too late, or you just don’t feel like it. I get it, I’ve been there.

I used to be the queen of procrastination when it came to exercise. Driving past the park, I would imagine myself walking outside, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, but then I’d remember that I had laundry to fold, kids to feed, and a new episode of American Idol to watch.  The struggle is real, my friend.

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Drum roll. Are you ready for my secret?

One day, I decided to just do it. No, this is not a Nike advertisement. Their slogan just really embodies how I felt on that first day of my walking journey. I didn’t think much about it – I just did it. And you know what? It was so worth it!

Now, two months later, I’m walking regularly and feeling like a new woman. My mood is better, my energy levels are up, and my cat even seems to be giving me less attitude. Plus, I’ve discovered some great new music and podcasts.

My secret is simple – just start walking, just do it. You don’t have to have some ambitious goals or aim to lose a bunch of weight by a certain date.  This type of thinking holds many of us back.  A few steps, a few minutes are better than none.  Trust me, your body will feel better, and by that, I mean your slimmer waistline will make you feel better. Okay, okay, I’m joking- I know we’re doing it for heart health too.  But seriously, once you begin walking, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

