Donations needed

Our Donation Drive to create care kits for people experiencing homeless kicked off July 11, and you can help! People who experience homelessness incur a number of health issues on the streets or in shelters, and being without housing can exacerbate current health conditions. At CNAHSI we are committed to serving people living in homelessness and committed to helping them achieve their health goals. Together- with your help, we can make a difference.

How you can help

On July 11, we kicked off our donation drive. We are in need of donations for the following items:

  • Foot Powder
  • Deodorant
  • Sunblock
  • Bug Spray
  • First Aid Kits

Donations can be dropped off during regular business hours on the first floor at Huntsville Family Health Center located at 751 Pleasant Row NW in Huntsville.  The donation drive will be in effect until August 3, 2022.

Why is Central North Alabama Health Services, Inc. collecting donations?

In addition to the care kits, Central North Alabama Health Services, Inc will providing  health screenings, COVID-19 vaccines, COVID-19 test kits, and food-filled backpacks ( in partnership with the Food Bank of North Alabama) at the Salvation Army this August 8, 2022.

Why does Central North Alabama Health Services work with people experiencing homelessness?

We envision a community where all people have access to holistic healthcare and have a sincere/passionate belief in their well-being.

Make a difference! Make a contribution to our donation box during your next visit to the clinic.  

donations needed








